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Monday, 04 September 2017 16:10

Fathers Day and the Weasels Play

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   What a sorry world we are in. What a sorry world babies are born into. These days Dads are demeaned, disdained, denigrated and dismissed, by the weasels in the media, the governments, in Education and the Law.

    But here in the Tavern  where weasels fear to tread we have not lost Hope, nor the Honour accorded to Fathers. So we raise our glasses to say, "Thanks Dad"  to all Fathers  inside the bars and out there beyond the hedge where they are doing it hard. Dads sacrifice a huge amount for their kiddies. Huge. And may I say that it is high time that fathers, mothers, uncles and aunts gathered around and stood up to the forces of modernism: stood up and told the weasely feminists, homosexuals, the socialists and greens to take a hike into the bush; stood up and said 'enough is enough you friggin' weasels' to those who are trying so hard to destroy Family and its traditional composition of Mum, Dad and children.
  If it was not too enough to treat fathers as either stupid or dangerous and suffer the constant snide sniping at dads by the weasel-women's pages of every newspaper, we now have a concerted effort to have two non-dads and two non-mums be the 'family', and buy, borrow of steal children from real parents, all in the name of some perverted version of 'Equality'. Do NOT let the weasels rule. In the few days running up to Fathers Day, Dads4kids produced their usual annual celebration of fatherhood TV advert.  Here it is. I think it is a beautiful advert showcasing ordinary everyday dads. 30 seconds of kindness, loving dads, and happy children.  
But it was BANNED by Weasels as 'too political'.
By the Lord Harry it showed a baby in the womb, its little heart beating with excitement: HORROR. Trigger Warning ! It showed smiling mums and smiling dads and smiling kiddies: HORROR. It will upset Homosexuals. TRIGGER Warning. Get the Safe -Space ready. It showed 'playing'. It showed a girl getting married.
AAAghh. Call the Trauma Teams.
Ben Pratt from Dads4kids had this to say:
Every year for the last 15 years, Dads4Kids has celebrated Father's Day with a total of 13 different television campaigns focused on the special role of a father with his kids. 
The majority of free to air TV networks across Australia have graciously run these ads for free as a Community Service Announcement (CSAs) up until now. These television commercials are simply a gentle encouragement to Australian dads, and an affirmation that they are an important figure in the lives of their children. 

The adverts have been enthusiastically accepted and many TV stations play them all year long as a community service. They are always released in the lead up to Father's Day.
Unfortunately, what is a simple Father's Day message has now become a "political" statement.
It is extraordinary that this is where we have come to as a country; we can no longer celebrate Father's Daywithout being forced to look at it through the lens of the same-sex marriage debate.
It's a tragedy that a political motive is now implied in any mention of fatherhood. 
Not everything is about same-sex marriage.
There are lots of dads out there who, while they may be doing it tough, are doing their best for their kids, and the team at Dads4Kids wants to honour and encourage dads to put their families and children first.
We expect that in speaking up about this that we and those connected to us will be attacked and intimidated, and subject to the same vilification in both mainstream and social media that has been meted out to those who have stuck their head above the parapet on same-sex marriage, despite this not being the purpose of our adverts.
To be clear, it was and is not our intention to enter this debate at this time through these advertisements. 
And what, you might ask, is in these "political" adverts? They feature a father singing a lullaby to his baby. It is that simple. 
Our advert has been inspired by other adverts that support and encourage mothers and families. Please view the 30 second advert above and decide for yourself.
Regardless, we have taken the preventative step of restricting access to our website and social media channels in order to protect ourselves and our families from expected response to our situation. 
We all know what he means.  Their website has closed down and their Facebook page too.  The hater-haters, the 'lerve' lovers, all the nasty buggers have well known habits that show their  idea of 'equality' and 'tolerance'.
We apologise to those who regularly visit our website and engage with us via social media for the inconvenience, but we trust you will understand and thank you for your support.
The weasels are taking over. Stamp on them. Have a drink if you need some dutch courage. Then go to it. Pax

Knackered Old Knight and blogger/innkeeper at The Knight & Drummer

An Australian now, he was born and bred an Englishman but has stood on a town-hall stage, raised a hand and said ‘G’Day’. A respect for the social fabric is tempered by a fine sense of judgement and foolhardiness which sees him defying immoral and anti-Christian Laws. He may be found every week outside the Hobart Abortuary saying his Rosary, despite the threats of jail. Fines are no good for one so poor. The police no longer even tell him to ‘move along’ as he moves very slowly anyway.

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