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Tuesday, 19 June 2018 08:07

Anti-Life Activists and Media Target Final Pro-Life Vigil in NSW

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Biased Media Continues the Anti-Life Rhetoric

Members of Sydney's pro-life community held their monthly prayer vigil and procession last weekend. While their prayer-gatherings will continue, the format will need to change due to the introduction of the exclusion zones. Police were called in response to complaints of noise pollution when a tradesman tried to drown out the pro-lifers' peaceful prayers and hymns with heavy metal music. 

Mainstream media journalists continued to promote false narratives about life advocates in their coverage of the conflict. The abortion industry's media arm, Mamamia, reported that the construction worker was a 'hero' who 'deserves infinite beers.' This is the same website that recently apologised for and then removed an article about how abortion hurts women. How's that for censorship?

The Daily Telegraph report, Police called to Surry Hills anti-abortion protest, stated that pro-life 'protesters' are 'furious that picketing clinics will soon be illegal.'  According to the news report, the noise-polluting construction worker had been encouraged by the abortion-business escort, Madeline Ward. Ms Ward is quoted as saying, "

“Everyone should have the right to access a medical service without being harassed. It’s a stressful experience, even if you don’t have to run the gauntlet past Catholics yelling ‘whore’ and ‘baby murderer’.”

(L) Police questioning the construction worker who tried to drown out the pro-life prayers and hymns with death metal music. (R) Death advocates waiting to usher aborting women into the facility.  [All photographs by Giovanni Portelli.]

As usual, evidence is in short supply

So where is the evidence that the 'protesters' were furious? Where is the evidence that any Catholic yelled, 'whore' or 'baby-murderer'? I asked Paul Hanrahan, of Family Life International for his account of the morning's events:

This was probably our last vigil on the 3rd Saturday we may have due to the totalitarian so called “Safe Access Zone” laws which recently passed through the NSW Parliament.We have held a monthly vigil since May 1994 in Sydney to highlight the grave injustice of abortion and to rally Catholics and people of good faith to rise up and defend the most basic of all human rights. Our vigil begins with Mass at St Peter’s Catholic Church in Surry Hills and we process after Mass to the abortion mill about 250 metres down the road where we pray the Rosary, Stations of the Cross and sing hymns across the road from the place.


Since the agitation for these “Bubble Zones” began in the media earlier this year, we have had volunteer escorts (deathscorts) attending the abortion mill to interfere with and obstruct us speaking to those attending for abortions. There were four of them there again across the road outside the abortion mill again on Saturday behaving as if it were a party. They were speaking to a traffic controller employed by the Light Rail Construction contractors who had his car parked outside the nearest neighbour to the abortion mill. They encouraged him to put on his car radio and open all his windows and blared death metal music as we prayed. I told him I would be calling the Police which I did and who attended. I had also reported his behaviour to one of his supervisors who I know and who spoke to him.


When the Police arrived he had already stopped the music but they spoke to him and warned him of violations against noise pollution laws. There were no more problems from him and he was moved up the road away from our vigil by his supervisor. The Police had also had a complaint from a business owner on the side we were on and who doesn’t like us praying outside her business. She isn’t normally there on a Saturday and I suspect was in her premises temporarily that day and she decided to cause some mischief as when the police arrived and came to speak to her she was no longer there and the premises locked!


The Party atmosphere the deathscorts engender betrays their true agenda. They like to say they are there to assist and protect vulnerable women attending for a very traumatic ‘procedure” but here they are behaving as if they were in fact celebrating the death of the unborn children and the ruination of the lives of their mothers and fathers. The leader of this gang of occultists is quoted in the Sydney Sunday Telegraph as saying; “Everyone should have the right to access a medical service without being harassed,” Ms Ward said. “It’s a stressful experience, even if you don’t have to run the gauntlet past Catholics yelling ‘whore’ and ‘baby murderer’.” These of course are lies and the whole push in the media and in the Parliament for these safe access zones is built on such lies. The Helpers in Sydney over the last 24 years have helped in excess of 600 mothers keep their babies. They wouldn’t be stopping and speaking with us if we were saying such outrageous things.


God bless

Abortion advocates offered profanities, false accusations and noise pollution. The pro-lifers offered prayer and assistance. [All photgraphs by Giovanni Portelli.]

Help us defeat exclusion-zones!

It remains to be seen whether the exclusion-zones now operating in many parts of Australia are constitutional. The outcome of our legal challenge to these censorship-zones will have a huge impact on a landscape where human life is so easily disposed of, and free speech is so easily trampled on. Our battle for life and liberty is now at the High Court level: this means that these unjust laws will be struck down if they are found to be unconstitutional. You can help by sharing information about how life advocates help women and how exclusion-zones stop this, or by donating to our legal defence fund.  Click here for more information. And please pray for the success of our legal challenge.  

For pictures of some of the hundreds of babies saved from abortion in Australia by life advocates, visit the Facebook album, "Australian Life Advocacy". This album is an ongoing project, which provides evidence of the effectiveness of life advocacy outside abortion facilities.
NOTE: At first glance, it may seem that our focus is completely on the babies, but please realise that for each baby saved there have been many hours of support - financial, moral and practical - given to the mothers and often also to fathers, of the babies. This support is a sign of the real concern that members of the pro-life community have for vulnerable, pregnant women. Many lasting friendships have been formed through these interactions. With your help, life advocates can continue to offer assistance to women who feel they have no choice other than to abort.
Kathy Clubb

Founder and Editor of The Freedoms Project

Kathy has been active in pro-life work for 6 years and was involved in a constitutional challenge to Victoria’s exclusion-zone laws. She is the Melbourne co-ordinator for Family Life International and is a member of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Kathy began writing about pro-life and Catholic issues at Light up the but broadened her range of topics as she came to learn more about the many threats to freedom which are common to all Christians.

Kathy home-educates her youngest 6 children and considers her family to be her most important pro-life work.

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