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Displaying items by tag: Feminism

Monday, 23 April 2018 21:02

Teachers: The Red Cent Rules

There are older teachers around today that are as depressed about modern education as many of the Tavern's customers. Most ordinary punters, both dads and mums consumed with work, send their kids to what passes for schools, whether they like it or not, to have their little chaps and chapesses spend more time with a (very possibly) uneducated moron than they do with themselves. It is a bleak picture. Older folk remember many of their early years' teachers with affection and gratitude, but few kids today will have such pleasant memories.

Published in Catholic
Saturday, 14 April 2018 09:43

5 Medical Reasons to Avoid Contraceptive Devices

All sources used in this article are either medical or secular, so there can be no accusation of a pro-life bias. Abortion providers and advocates are very eager these days to push Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (or LARCS) onto their patients. There have been more than a few studies on their use and uptake, with an abundance of advice for practitioners on how to increase their sales. It's been of particular interest to me, to note that abortion providers are very keen to fit women with LARCS right after an abortion.

Published in Contraception

I have often sought to make the case for concerns about surrogacy. It is problematic on so many levels. Like the other Assisted Reproductive Technologies, our scientific and technological abilities to do things are outstripping and outpacing our moral reflection on them. And in the process, plenty of harm is being done.

Published in Right to Life
Tuesday, 21 November 2017 21:35

The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom

[Photo credit: xT3ddotcom - still taken from video] I had the pleasure of hearing the wonderful Gabriele Kuby speak on her book,  The Global Sexual Revolution,  last weekend. This is the second time I've heard Dr. Kuby speak about her groundbreaking book, which is subtitled, 'The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom.'  That phrase alone speaks volumes about the gender ideology and sexualised culture that is perverting our children, marriages and family life.

How many articles must one pen to alert us to the fact that the West is now but a shadow of its former self? It is so far down the mental and moral sewer that one wonders if it is any longer redeemable. And leading the way here is the utterly bizarre freak show known as the transgender revolution. Everything it touches it destroys. Anyone foolish enough to run with this gender bender apocalypse will find their mind turning to mush. They will quickly find themselves with feet planted firmly in mid-air. The mind boggles just to witness this dark cloud of madness sweeping away everything in its path.

Wednesday, 04 October 2017 09:26

Equality: You Keep Using That Word

 It's possibly the most fashionable word around these days, especially in Australia. Everyone wants it and no-one seems to have it. Every media outlet, organisation and business that wants to look hip is grooming its collective beard and committing to ensuring 'equality'. Even city councils are in on the act - and who'd ever thought for a moment that councils were not supposed to treat everyone equally? Surely councils are meant to collect the garbage of bigots and libertarians alike? The Greek philosopher Aristotle had something very interesting to say about all this. He said:

The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
Published in Right to Life
Monday, 04 September 2017 16:10

Fathers Day and the Weasels Play

Pop, Da, Daddy, Father, the Ol' Man, yes, we have had a special day, once a year for him for a while now.  We celebrated  him.  For Generations it was Mum and Dad: both had their special days. Once upon a time we all had one of each to call our own but now Fathers are on the nose in 'official' circles. There are special 'family courts' full of weasels to throw him to the curb. Passports and Birth Certificates avoid mentioning his status as a Dad, preferring 'Parent B'. Even mums are losing out - Parent A.

Published in Marriage

What do abortionists talk about when they get together? Well, judging by the lengths some abortion providers go to - they don't want the public to know about it. But the 2017 Children by Choice conference was recently held in Brisbane, and we can get some idea of what goes on behind the scenes by looking at their conference schedule and speaker list. Children by Choice is a Queensland abortion business that is notorious for offering finance to disadvantaged mothers so that they won't miss out on the essential 'reproductive care' enjoyed by their wealthier counterparts. So, if you can't afford a baby and can't afford to have it killed, Children by Choice will loan you the money for an abortion. [It's not known if they also loan money to women who want to keep their babies. Presumably not.]

Published in Right to Life
Tuesday, 04 July 2017 08:37

The Educated Ignorantti

[One of the most disappointing developments of the last 150 years or so has been the education of people. Once was a time when barely 1% of the population could read or write. It can be true to say not much development went on back then. One century went by much as the last one. But clever folk there were who nevertheless managed to rise and dispel some of the ignorance they encountered.  They were 'Elite'. For most people life, the world, reality was what they could see from the bottom of a deep hole of ignorance. That old 'Elite' actually knew a thing or two. They had worked out the value of knowledge. They had discovered ethics, right from wrong, morality and even manners. They gave us Chivalry, not to mention the combined knowledge and technologies of the past few millenia. Pretty good for far less than universal writing facility.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017 12:59

Freedom from Porn Addiction: One Woman's Story

Addiction to pornography isn't just a problem for men; many women are finding they have the same problem, especially in this digital age where porn is so easy to access. This article was written by a woman ('Jacquie') who overcame her addiction and received God's healing into her life. Her faith should inspire each of us to seek His healing for addictions and other weaknesses in our own lives.

My story of freedom from pornography and much much more.

From the moment of conception to the time when we die there are expectations placed upon each one of us to look a certain way, to behave in a certain way or to be what others want us to be.

The world's idea of self worth is very different to God's idea.

The world says, "I am who others say I am - based on what I can do, how I look and how much I contribute to society - that equals my worth."

Whereas the Christian Creator God has a different set of rules: "What I am plus WHO I AM  says I am, equals my worth."

This was most definitely the case with me. From a young age I was always trying to be loveable, to be noticed, trying to scramble for love. My parents tried but they were pretty screwed-up human beings who were desperate for love and acceptance themselves. Both my mother and father were angry, and so discord, violence and a sense of threat were also a part of my unravelling family life. Since my parents were not able to provide me with my basic needs, I decided I was going to get my attention and affection from outside sources.

I was sexually abused in some rather strange and sadistic ways by a family member and and as a result, started acting out sexually with my peers from a very young age. My sexuality was awakened way too early and I also masturbated chronically as a child. I felt afraid, unaccepted, unloved and like a plaything for adults. I was filled with shame and always so scared people would find out about my home life and my young sexual addictions.

To add insult to injury, I also had learning disabilities and acted out in class in frustration,   annoying the teachers no end; I now think I was just desperately crying out for help.

At around the age of 12, I tried to start getting the attention of boys, as girls my own age were either jealous of my looks or just thought I was a plain dummy or a weirdo.  In about year 7, I was exposed to pornography through the boys in my street. The boys were looking at pictures of Samantha Fox and they were virtually drooling on the page.

I think it was then I realised the power I could hold over young men with my sexuality. I started to think about what I looked like, how tan I was, how my hair looked, how my bottom and breasts and legs looked, and as soon as I started to become aware, even walked differently. I finally had the attention I had desired for so long. Although this went on from my teens into my early 20's, my nominally Christian background stopped me from sleeping around.

When I was 19, I moved in with a bloke as my flatmate. This bloke was very much into pornography; he was something of a voyeur. For me with my issues of loving to be watched, it was a perfect match. He was very shy and gentlemanly and after a few months of this I ended up seducing him. That 'bloke' and I have now been together for 21 years and married for almost 14 years.

Release from Bondage

Once the initial honeymoon was over his perving and porn used to drive me crazy; I was incredibly insecure and jealous. So in the end I became his porn star, dressing the way he wanted me to, having sex with him however he wanted to, adding sex toys and pornography to our sex life. I was extremely depressed, suicidal, unemployed and going nowhere.

That day, I was having my morning shower and I heard an almost audible voice say "Come back to church, I want to clean you up."

So I listened to that voice and told my counsellor, who recommended a church to me; since that day I have never looked back and the Lord has been 'cleaning me up' ever since.

The Holy Bonfire

One night at church we had a holy bonfire and I took in the pornography, clothing, sex toys etc and put them on the fire. I committed myself to God and I have never watched another pornographic movie or dressed up, or engaged in unsafe sex practices since.

My husband is not a Christian and still engages in all the old behaviours and it is a miracle of the Most High God that we are still together and even that I love him. I pray that he, too, will let the Lord clean him up one day.

For anyone reading this who is still in bondage to this kind of thing, I just want to say God can release you just as He did me.

I, too, was a very messed-up sex-addict who got my worth from how I looked and how much others appreciated that, but bit by bit God has set me free. I believe he can set you free and I believe that one day he will set my husband free and heal our marriage.

May the living God bless you on your journey out of sexual bondage.

In Jesus' name. Amen. "Jacquie." This story first appeared on my other website, Light up the Darkness, and is used here with the author's permission.

Published in Sexual Revolution
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