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Highly sexualised school curriculum, identical to Victoria's notorious Safe-Schools programme, has been found in a Catholic high school in Perth.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019 06:38

The Attack of the 50 Foot Trans Tyrants

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Is it just me? It seems that so much of today’s sexual insanity happens to be as believable as the stuff of science fiction. The radical trans movement is spiralling out of control, and many sensible folks have to wonder if reality is now being replaced by whacko Hollywood sci-fi flicks.
Monday, 04 February 2019 16:29

Beyond the Pale

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The Tavern Pale is the large hedge that surrounds the property, keeping the riff-raff out. That is what a 'Pale' does. Pale is also the hue of white folk, especially old white folk, and specifically men, old white folk who constitute at least half of our customers. The riff-raff think that we are beyond the Pale, being as we are happily on the opposite side of the hedge, drinking our pints.

Monday, 04 February 2019 15:29

Victorian Nero Declares War on Christianity

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[Photo credit: the Age] History repeats itself, which is why we all need to be students of history. And when we ignore or forget the lessons of history, we simply end up repeating the mistakes of history. Consider the increased paganization of the West and the corresponding rise in anti-Christian bigotry and persecution.

The feminarchy, intersectionality, cultural relativism, a galaxy of phobias & authoritarian thought police – is there a clear line between classical Marxism and the war against Christian culture, or is it just a right-wing conspiracy to justify hate? In this video, I talk to Dr Stephen Chavura about Marxism, socialism and post-modernism.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019 07:55

Bella Dodd on the Marxist mindset of hatred

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Bella Dodd was a member of the Communist Party in the US during the mid twentieth century. She was eventually expelled from the party and experienced a conversion, which led to her rejoining the Catholic Church, the church of her childhood. Dodd testified before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1953, explaining how Communists had infiltrated trade unions, teacher training colleges, seminaries and other institutions in order to subvert them. This extract is taken from Chapter 11 of her autobiography, School of Darkness:

Wednesday, 23 January 2019 22:46

Gaga, Pence, and Christianity

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We live in dark times. There is just no getting around that fact. Truth no longer means anything, feelings trump everything, and confusion abounds as to even the basics in life. Now we can’t even tell if someone is a boy or a girl, and we are said to be hateful and bigoted if we even try. Sadly, as anyone who seeks to present truth in the public arena and the social media knows, this has massively impacted our churches as well. Today most young people who call themselves Christians know little or nothing about their own faith, run on emotions, and tend to just drift along with the dominant secular culture. The church in the West is in a real bad way as a result, and things will likely only get worse. And as one of the most recent examples of this, consider the recent uproar taking place over Mike Pence, his wife, and Lady Gaga.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:24

If masculinity is 'toxic' then what is feminism?

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It seems that belittling men has become an international pastime, with the media, politicians and special interest groups continuing to put put men down for simply being men. The now-infamous Gillette ad has created a huge backlash against this fashionable trend which simultaneously degrades men while elevating women to something which they are not. (Here is a comparison of old vs new marketing from Gillette.) Sure, men have certain weaknesses that they need to reign in. Back in the day, that was called Self Control - something that is sorely lacking in most schools and homes in this sophisticated age. But now are lives are all about The Feels - and how feminine is a society that is based purely on emotion? Well, it's obviously quite dysfunctional. The cognitive dissonance abounds when society (via feminism) thinks all men are scum but also believes that women are equal to men.

Friday, 11 January 2019 09:50

Yes, They Have Declared War on Children

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It used to be that the best way to ascertain how civilised and compassionate a culture is was to see how they treated their most vulnerable – especially their own children. This had always been a good test of a caring culture. But it seems that in the West today we have turned that principle on its head. We now seem intent on destroying our children, and we happily use government policy to do so. A state-led war on children has been declared, and the casualties are mounting up. Of course I and others have documented this assault on our children for decades now. It is happening all over the West. No place seems immune from this ongoing war on our children and their innocence. Let me offer three recent shocking examples of how this is being played out in just one place: the Australian state of Western Australia. It seems the Labor Government there is so committed to radical social engineering ideology that children are mere fodder for their political manoeuvring.

Friday, 04 January 2019 16:49

The Double Standards of Liberals

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Context and explanation meant absolutely nothing to the outraged leftist media complex collaborating with self-interested politicians when accusing Senator Fraser Anning of Nazi levels of racism for saying the words “final solution”. Senator Anning declared, “In the days of Menzies, immigrants arriving here were not allowed to apply for welfare and that attracted exactly the right sort of hard-working people this country needed. We should go back to that and ban all immigrants receiving welfare for the first five years after they arrive. The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote.” Turnbull called the reference a “shocking insult” to the Jewish people. Left, right and centre, people rushed to condemn Fraser Anning’s entire speech on the strength of a phrase commonly associated with Adolf Hitler, despite the Senator’s protestations that he had not intended any reference to Nazism.

A friend posted something today on the social media that caught my attention. It concerned a rather disturbing fact: one half of all Russian young people know nothing about their own nation’s murderous Communist past, including the Gulag, the crimes of Stalin, and so on. I chipped in by saying that just as worrying is the likely fact that probably a full three quarters of Australian and American young people don’t know about this either. The dumbing down of our young people, including their blatant historical illiteracy, is a huge worry indeed. Being ignorant of one’s own history is a recipe for disaster – as history proves. But of course we will never learn the lessons of history if we do not know history. So things will simply get worse as more and more people are cast adrift from their own past, and any knowledge of it.

Thursday, 27 December 2018 07:26

Primordial Chicken Soup

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Where do we come from? How did we get here? So asks almost every child. And thinking adult. Customers in the Tavern offer answers, and few, if any, seem to satisfy the critics. Especially the atheistic ones.  Offer the most compelling - (well, to me )- that my Supplier made us, and a chorus arises from beyond the hedges. No. It has to be 'nature' they shout.

We come from the Primordial Soup !

Thursday, 13 December 2018 08:17

Why these nations rejected the UN Migration Pact

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Update: since this post was written, 164 countries have signed the The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, although Brazil plans to pull out in January. Countries who rejected the pact include the US, Australia, Chile, Austria, Bulgaria, Israel, Hungary, Slovakia, and Switzerland.

This article was published on Bill Muehlenberg's website as "The UN Migration Pact."
Saturday, 08 December 2018 07:11

Nauru Gov't to Kerryn Phelps: " Get your facts right"

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While virtue-signalling progressives hammer on about conditions in detention centres, and try to force Australian taxpayers to foot the bill for welfare-hopping migrants, the Nauru Government has issued a wake-up call. Published on its website on October 24, 2018, is this statement which hones in on the unscrupulous behaviour of many 'asylum seekers.' The kinds of activity mentioned in the statement will come as no surprise to those of us who are very concerned about the UN's current push for mandatory open-arms policies on migrants and refugees. Comfortable Christians who want to pin this latest social justice badge on their hats would do well to think through the implications of allowing migrants to roam about until they find the most generous foreign welfare system, forcing sovereign nations to advertise their benefits and social programmes on purpose-built websites. For that's exactly what the UN's Compacts aim to do.

The recent Victorian election has resulted in the most hardcore left-wing government in Australia being re-elected. Indeed, Premier Dan Andrews boasts about how leftist it is “We are the most progressive state in the nation.” And with majorities in both houses, that means there is now really nothing to stop him and Labor from further implementing their diabolical secular left agenda. And most of these radical agenda items have a direct – and negative – bearing on our children. The wretched “Safe Schools” programs and the like is just one example. They will now go ahead much further and much faster. I have said all along that these dangerous programs will not be confined to state high schools. Primary schools will now also be targeted, along with Catholic, independent and Christian schools. Those who want to protect their children from radical sexualisation, including all things homosexual and transgender, will increasingly find fewer and fewer alternatives available to them.


There will soon be nowhere safe for the concerned parent to send their children. Even home schooling – which is becoming a big option for many – will be targeted by our hard-left governments. Indeed, already it is being heavily monitored and regulated, and one wonders how much longer it will be a viable and safe option. And it is now very likely that a Bill Shorten Labor government will win the federal election in May, further promoting and solidifying all the ungodly and immoral leftist agendas. So between the states controlled by radical Labor-Greens ideology, and the federal government, we soon will have the entire nation under their militant and coercive hegemony. So what are parents to do? Nothing of course – that is, if parents do not mind the militant takeover of education. If they do not give a rip about the homosexual and transgender brainwashing going on in our schools, the promotion of identity politics, the dumbing down of educational standards, and the radicalisation of students by leftist teachers and education unions. Then they need not do anything. But those parents who want their children to actually learn how to think – and not just be force fed what to think – and who seek to have them adhere to Judeo-Christian values and beliefs are quickly running out of options – certainly in the public school system.


As I mentioned, home schooling is one option for now, along with private schools. But as I also mentioned, these too will not be exempt from the radical social engineering plans of Dan Andrews, Bill Shorten and others. However, for now, the real culprit is public education. What to do? Many are saying that we have only one option here: Get your kids out now! Indeed, that is basically the title of one very important new book making the rounds in America. Mary Rice Hasson and Theresa Farnan have just released Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late (Regnery, 2018). The book is as serious and urgent as the title indicates. While describing the situation in America, it is fully applicable to what is happening here in Australia. The situation is really quite dire in America, and it seems that the only sensible option for concerned parents is to pull their kids out now before it gets even worse. I hope to have a full-length review of this book up in the next day or so, but let me here offer just a few snippets from it. The authors make a very strong case that the public education system is now so far gone that it seems to be irredeemable – at least in the foreseeable future. A paragraph in the introduction helps to set the tone for the book:


It’s time for an honest conversation about why we are losing our kids. Why are the children of patriotic Americans ready to believe the worst about their country? Why are the sons and daughters of committed believers becoming moral relativists and “nones”? Why are the children of well-grounded adults growing up unsure of “who they are” in the most basic sense—whether they are male or female—even as they embrace the mandates of identity politics?

Indeed, the opening chapters look at the madness of the transgender revolution which is being rammed down our children’s throats. The authors say that the militant LGBT gospel being peddled everywhere in our schools is the last straw, and demonstrates conclusively just how rotten to the core public education now is. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text #2" _builder_version="3.12.2"] The breath, depth and rapidity at which this evil sexual agenda has permeated all aspects of our school system is a clear indication of just how radically the schools have changed over the past half century. Indeed, the schools that most of us went to are no longer recognisable. The authors finish their book with these words:


American parents must face the reality that public schools are not going to improve in the next few decades. The political and ideological headwinds are too strong. As parents, you must first take care of your own children. It would be unthinkable to sacrifice your child’s future for the survival of the public school system. Look for alternatives: private school, parochial school, home school, cyber education, co-ops. Only you will be able to discern which school is right for your child. But we can assure you that if you are concerned about your child’s faith, intellectual formation, and patriotism, public schools are working against you. It’s time to get out, now.

But stay tuned for my full review of this very important and timely book. Australia is in the exact same boat as America is in this regard. Various radical leftist agendas have infiltrated and taken over almost all schooling in the West. Victorians now face very uncertain times with a hyper-left government in place, hell-bent on pushing deplorable anti-child agendas. Parents who care about the moral and spiritual wellbeing of their children need to prayerfully and carefully look at various options other than the state school system. Just yesterday a piece in the Herald Sun featured this headline: “More parents give school the flick.” It said this: “More Victorian families are shunning a traditional classroom education at school and are teaching their children at home with the number of home schooled students sky rocketing”.

That will increasingly be an option for many – as long as it is allowed to continue! Sure, not everyone may be able to home school, and other options will have to be looked at. But as I warned, all these options will be coming under further attack, and the future is looking very bleak indeed. We may soon get to a place where perhaps the only viable option remaining is to pack up and leave and find a country that still honours traditional and Christian values, and still seeks to help, and not harm, our children. Some of these nations still exist – including a number in eastern Europe. Maybe I will see you in Hungary! Update As mentioned, here is my review of this important book: 

Tuesday, 27 November 2018 09:50

China out-Big Brothers Big Brother

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George Orwell's 1984 surveillance-state is an oft-quoted reference when speaking of threats to our freedoms in the 21st century. But Orwell could never have imagined the technology that was just around the corner when he wrote his book 150 years ago. Data collection via social media, coupled with face and gait recognition, and almost unlimited data storage mean that every person on the planet can potentially be monitored in real time for the most nefarious purposes. China is leading the world in this kind of surveillance, which is aimed at modifying the behaviour of its citizens. With 200,000,000 (that's two hundred million) surveillance cameras, every action is evaluated and entered into China's Social Credit System.

Every time a decidedly evil, ungodly and immoral politician or political party wins office, I ask myself questions such as the one found in my title. It is an oft-heard phrase found in the Old Testament. And these are the sorts of questions all true Christians should be asking at times like this. I not only ask such questions, but I feel sick in my stomach. When I see wicked men strutting their stuff, proud and arrogant, smirking as they think they are getting away with evil, I am reminded of Isaiah 3:9: “The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them!”

And I wonder why evil is allowed to go unchecked, why people are so blind as to elect such reprehensible individuals and parties, and why God allows all this to happen. And I grieve deeply for how much worse things will get – spiritually, morally, culturally and politically – when such ungodly rulers get voted in. With Dan Andrews and Labor getting back in for another four-year reign of terror in Victoria, I just groan within and get on my knees and cry out to God about all this. I do it because I understand that politics is important, and I understand the teachings of Scripture, including the biblical truths that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). I do it because I care greatly for the sort of world my children and their children will have to grow up in. I do it because I know that things will simply get much worse, and all that we care deeply about will be further attacked, undermined and destroyed.

The culture of death will simply get worse. The assault on family and children will get even more pronounced. The early sexualisation and politicisation of our children will go from bad to worse. The attack of freedom of all sorts will escalate. Christianity itself will become even more a target of the militants. I care about all this and it grieves me deeply. And I wonder why so many Christians do not seem to care. It seems they could not care less as evil triumphs and wickedness escalates. Worse yet, how many Christians actually voted for the ungodly and immoral policies of the Greens and Labor?

Victorian election results: the political

Obviously I am writing hot on the heels of today’s state election. Dan Andrews and Labor have been returned to do even more evil. While the final numbers are not fully clear, we know that the Liberals have not succeeded in replacing this diabolical government. The situation is this. Prior to the election this was the state of play. The two Houses of Parliament have 128 Members in total: 88 in the lower house (Legislative Assembly) 45 Labor 37 Liberal/National 3 Greens 3 Independent 40 in the upper house (Legislative Council) 14 Labor 16 Liberal/National 5 Greens 2 Shooters, Fishers, Farmers 1 Conservative/Independent 1 Reason 1 Local Jobs Now we seem to have something like this for the 59th Victorian Parliament, as seen in the Legislative Assembly results: 61 Labor 23 Liberal/National 2 Greens 2 Independents Politically, the short story is this: there were big swings to Labor and away from the Liberals and Nationals. It is a bad night if you are a conservative or a Christian. As I have written before, the Libs were certainly no panacea, but they would have been far better than the current mob. They had plenty of shortcomings, but at least they would have put a check on some of the evil Labor policies, and rolled back a few, such as the devilish “Safe Schools” program. But that is not to be, and the radical left agenda of Andrews will now further spin out of control.

Victorian election results: the spiritual

Spiritually, the short story is this: it seems the less Christian Australia and Victoria become, the less conservative they become. The more secular Australia and Victoria become, the more leftist they become. The two seem to go together, and we are on a real downward spiral. One can also argue that most folks – including most Christians it seems – really do not care about the things that matter. As Francis Schaeffer put it decades ago, all that matters for most people is personal peace and affluence. That’s about it sadly. I mentioned above that often God’s people asked God why evil seems to triumph. Many such verses can be mentioned here. A few of them would be the following: -Job 21:7 Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power? -Psalm 73:2-5 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills. -Psalm 94:3 How long will the wicked, O LORD, how long will the wicked be jubilant? -Jeremiah 12:1-2 You are always righteous, O LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease? You have planted them, and they have taken root; they grow and bear fruit. You are always on their lips but far from their hearts. -Habakkuk 1:13 Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong. Why then do you tolerate the treacherous? Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?

As it became clear that we would have more disastrous Labor rule, my mind turned to the ancient Israelites. They too experienced this. Prophets like Jeremiah warned them that their sins – unrepented of – would of necessity lead them to divine judgment. The dreaded Assyrians and Babylonians – at the time perhaps the most wicked and blood-thirsty nations around – would be used by God to judge Israel. While most folks deserved their fate, there would have been some devout and godly Jews who bewailed all this. They would have been asking God the hard questions. They would have cried out to Yahweh, asking why HIS people would be so severely judged, and why such godless, pagan nations would seem to so thoroughly triumph. Well, we know the story: we know that these times of judgment and exile were temporary. We know that eventually the Jews were able to return to their land and rebuild. Yes, much was lost, and much had to be done – they had to start over in so many ways. And that too may be our fate. Thus the godly amongst us will cry out to God. Our hearts and spirits are utterly devastated. ‘Why God do you allow such evil and wicked rulers to get away with murder?’ And that is literally what this government is doing with its diabolical abortion and euthanasia laws.

They ARE getting away with murder, and blood is on their hands. And God will not hold them guiltless. But if the Lord should tarry, eventually this government will come to an end. Perhaps more godly and principled politicians and parties will arise to take their place. As I keep saying, politics alone cannot save us, but a return to less evil rulers will be a step in the right direction. And in terms of the bigger picture, one day ALL the rule of evil will come to an end. One day all these politicians will be judged. One day the wicked and the arrogant will no longer flourish. Yes it hurts terribly in the meantime if you are a child of God, and you ache with what breaks God’s heart. In the same way Christians and others suffered horrifically under godless Soviet communism for some 70 years. How many were killed, tortured, imprisoned and exiled by this monstrous regime? Millions upon millions.

People cried out: “Where are you God?” But eventually the wall came down and the evil empire came to a crashing end. One day the Andrews’ empire of evil will end – as will all wicked human rulers and nations. Yet, in the meantime the godly amongst us will travail in pain, crying out to God for mercy. We will be asking, “How long O Lord?” We will grieve and hurt, and feel overwhelmed at times when evil comes in like a flood. But we will also know what God promised in that passage (Isaiah 59:18-20): According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay, Fury to His adversaries, Recompense to His enemies; The coastlands He will fully repay. So shall they fear The name of the Lord from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. The Redeemer will come….

Saturday, 24 November 2018 11:17

Elections: Democracy's Achilles Heel

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The case for Kings has long been voted out. The problem with Democracy is that all votes are equal, so the vote of the King was (is) worth the same as that of the average taxpayer. And the half-wit who does not know her/his own gender, the mentally deficient dole bludger who holidays in Bali on the taxpayer benefits he gets fortnightly, and the Muslim fellow down the road who wants all Infidels to do as Allah said 1400 years ago, or else: and his four wives, who will all vote as he tells them or get a beating. He and they are all on benefits too. The taxpayer weeps. The King too. Then we have the election process. The pre-selection of toadies: branch stacking; gerrymandering. The average punter has little effect on who is being voted for. And 'the system'. Designed by clods in order to conflate. More weeping and gnashing of teeth have been heard from America in the past few weeks, such that normal conversation in the Tavern has been all but drowned out. The Land of the Free has never been known for clean elections. They have barely moved on from the  Rotten Boroughs that blighted Britain.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018 19:10

Our Children Need Protection NOW

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This article was written by Jack Sonnemann, whom I had the pleasure of knowing when I lived in Tasmania. Jack's tireless work to protect children from the effects of pornography is well-known both here in Australia and in his home-country of the United States. Here's how his bio read when he appeared at the 2016 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Summit in Houston Texas:

"Jack Sonnemann says we cannot win the war if we do not fight the battles. He has been fighting the "Winnable War" against sexual exploitation in Australia for over 30 years. His organisation, the Australian Federation for the Family (AFF), produces a newsletter (and blog) read by thousands of concerned Australians.
He has appeared in all the major media Down Under. Playboy's Australian editor was fired after debating Mr Sonnemann on national television and he has been ridiculed, attacked and demeaned in virtually all of Australia's porn publications. Playboy magazine is now bankrupt in Australia due to AFF's sustained boycott campaigns of its advertisers and retailers. Sonnemann's actions have resulted in the banning of all X Rated material on Pay TV services in Australia (the only country in the Western World that can make this claim!); stopping the use of 15, 16 and 17 year-olds in all Australian porn; defeating Australia's once vibrant Dial-a-Porn industry; closing X Rated bookshops and stopping applications for new ones; initiating and passing legislation to close houses of prostitution and stopping the once-common use of child magnets and pseudo-child imagery in all Australian porn.
AFF has been successful in a raft of measures regulating the sale and display of porn in the family marketplace nationwide. He is currently lobbying to enact Opt-In laws for internet porn and for the Territory governments to enact the same law banning the sale, hire an display of X Rated DVDs as now exists in each state of Australia. The X Rated DVDs that are banned in each state are freely and legally available in Australia's two territories and are literally devastating the native Aboriginal population.
Mr Sonnemann regularly appears before Federal and State parliamentary forums and public meetings documenting the harm caused by pornography, prostitution, etc."
Sunday, 11 November 2018 08:09

More on the Melbourne Moslem Terror Attack

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Islam and terrorism go together like, well, Islam and terrorism. While non-Muslims can commit acts of terror, and while not all Muslims are terrorists, we do know that the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks since September 11 for example have been carried out by Muslims in the name of Islam. But the ‘M’ and ‘I’ words are hardly ever mentioned as each new incident of this occurs. Indeed, our authorities and the mainstream media are often loath to use the ‘T’ word as well. Usually, instead of speaking about terrorism, we hear about ‘lone-wolf attacks,’ those who are ‘mentally ill,’ and so on. The obfuscation, excuse-making, and cover-ups are getting to be as routine as the attacks themselves. Yesterday’s attack in Melbourne by a Muslim terrorist – the most recent of a string of such attacks – was yet another good illustration of all this. Our secular left media outfits refuse to give us the whole story of what is happening. For example, I just looked at a lengthy online ABC article on the attack, and there was no mention of the I or M words.

Thankfully not all media outlets here are guilty of such cowardice and grovelling before the political ideology known as Islam. The Weekend Australian today had its front page devoted to this latest jihad attack, and the big, bold headline said this: “Violent Islam strikes Bourke St”. Well done. Queensland MP George Christensen was right to say this: “Thank goodness one Aussie media outlet isn’t afraid to say it as it is. This is not violent extremism, mental illness, disaffected youth violence or some other politically correct term: it is radical, violent Islam, plain and simple. If you cannot identify your enemy or their ideology, you will never defeat them.” Thank you Weekend Australian and thank you George. You offer us a breath of fresh air in a culture in which creeping sharia and stealth jihad are growing increasingly pervasive and untouchable. In my article on this attack yesterday I said I would offer updates: Here then are some further developments concerning this horrific attack, both coming from the Daily Mail:

The brother of the knife-wielding Somali terrorist who stabbed three men, one fatally, in Melbourne’s inner-city has been revealed as an ‘ISIS sympathiser’ who allegedly planned to execute a major terrorist attack. Mohamed Khalif, also known as Hassan Shire, 31, was shot and killed by police after deliberately crashing a car filled with ‘barbecue-style gas bottles’ and rampaging through Melbourne’s Bourke Street with a long knife on Friday afternoon. In a press conference, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said Khalif was well known to counter-terrorism officials due to his relatives’ links to terror. Khalif’s 21-year-old brother, Ali Khalif Shire Ali, was arrested in November of 2017 in relation to a foiled terror attack in Federation Square, also in the heart of Melbourne. Police allegedly intercepted plans late last year to attack Melbourne’s cultural arts precinct on New Years Eve 2017.
And a more recent update:
A house linked to the Somali terrorist who stabbed a man to death and injured two others in Melbourne’ Bourke Street before being shot by police has been raided by counter-terrorism officers. Heavily-armed officers wearing tactical gear and masks swooped on the home in Werribee about 8am on Saturday as they continue to investigate Hassan Khalif Shire Ali’s attack. The house is believed to be that of the lone wolf terrorist’s father, who also brought up Khalif’s brother Ali Khalif Shire Ali who allegedly plotted an attack on Melbourne’s Federation Square on New Year’s Eve. His family are inside the house and cooperating with authorities. Khalif’s wife, who police also believe to be radicalised, was missing on Friday night but has since been interviewed by police.
Also, Andrew Bolt has offered us a running list of other refugees who committed acts of Islamic jihad on Melbourne’s streets. And this is now becoming rather predictable:
Past terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees here: -Somali-born Yacqub Khayre [in June, 2017] murdered a worker at a Melbourne apartment block, held a woman hostage and shot three police after telling Channel 7: “This is for IS, this is for al-Qaeda.” Before that: -Farhad Jabour, an Iranian “refugee”, killed police accountant Curtis Cheng while shouting “Allah is the greatest”. -Man Monis, an Iranian “refugee” and Islamist, staged the deadly Lindt cafe siege while professing support for the Islamic State. -Numan Haider, an Afghan “refugee” and IS recruit, stabbed two police in Melbourne. -Mohammad Ali Baryalei, an Afghan “refugee”, became a recruiter and fighter for IS. -Saney Edow Aweys, a Somalian “refugee”, plotted to attack the Holsworthy Army base.
Not all of these cases were in Melbourne – the Man Monis attack was in Sydney. But this is becoming all too routine and commonplace. We let in Muslim refugees, they act out their Islamic faith, and we scratch our heads and wonder why we keep seeing all this carnage repeated. Yesterday I quoted one legal expert who made the case for clamping down on this. I repeat part of what he said:
The problem is that we simply do not know who to trust amongst a religious group that largely despises our democracy, culture and laws, and that do not even accept the principle of religious tolerance and separation of powers. Although jihadists are not drawn exclusively from the first-generation Muslim immigrants, a large Muslim immigration to Australia invariably provides a larger recruiting ground for terrorists and other Islamist militants. Both the influx of asylum seekers from dysfunctional majority-Muslim countries and the constant influx of Muslim immigrants to Australia naturally exacerbate the threat of Islamic terrorism on our soil.
Surely our experience, and that over other Western countries, demonstrates that we need to rethink our immigration policies, and we need to start getting real about where the actual threats are coming from. Until we do, we will keep seeing more blood on our streets and keep wondering why so many innocent men, women and children must keep on being murdered – all to appease a violent religious ideology.
Saturday, 10 November 2018 10:33

McCarrick's Seminarians

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I happened to come across the article and found it to be so insightful that I asked the author, Maureen Mullarkey, for permission to reproduce it here. Maureen, an artist and blogger at, generously agreed; the original article can be found here. The following will mosty be of interest to Roman Catholics, but its main point can be applied across denominations, and indeed, across society: holiness, that is, the desire to perfectly align our wills to God's will, is rarely the goal of contemporary Christianity. Instead, holiness has been replaced by selfishness and worldliness and, frequently,  by a life of entrenched sin.  

Wednesday, 07 November 2018 18:24

The US Mid-Term Elections

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On November 6 America had its mid-term elections, As the name implies, it comes between the presidential election cycle (in this case, between 2016 and 2020). This year all 435 seats in the House of Representatives were up for grabs, 33 of the 50 Senate seats, and 36 of the 50 governorships. Republicans held sway everywhere before the election: a Republican President plus a Republican-controlled House and Senate, and a majority of state governors. While we do not have the final numbers yet, it appears that the Republicans have kept three of the four, with the Democrats winning back the House.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018 17:40

The Failure of Public Policy

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Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (Philippians 2: 3-4)   How has our society arrived the point where wide-spread abortion is not only tolerated but promoted, and a beneficial view of euthanasia is endorsed in parliamentary bills? Why was a romantic view of same-sex marriage given media endorsement and such a prominent focus in the marriage plebiscite and in politics? Why is sexual experimentation promoted, often in the context of unwittingly promoting violence against women through the implicit endorsement of pornography?

Tuesday, 30 October 2018 17:43

Keep Out

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Perhaps America needs some friendly Pacific Islands to 'store' refugees. The news - now that the Kavanaugh bizzo is over and the fake bombs bizzo is over - is of a 'caravan' (odd term when there are no camels in sight) of 'refugees walking through Mexico en route to the USA. It is a bit like the experience of Europe with thousands of odd-bods (mostly young men) walking past or through Italian and Greek villages going to Germany and Britain. Oz made a lucrative deal (listen up the Donald) with Nauru and stopped further traffic of such 'human Trafficker assisted' faux refugees to Oz. The political fall-out may last a while of course, but perhaps it is worth it. Instead of 'Sanctuary Cities', perhaps the US could have some Sanctuary Islands. Heck, they could even be purpose built, like the Chinese are doing.  

Thursday, 25 October 2018 09:39

Two Views of Communism

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Today's history lesson looks at communism: its founders, Marx and Engels, try to convince of communism's necessity and inevitability; this is contrasted with the reality of life under a communist regime, as explained by Solzhenitsyn. 

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