Ardern, Abortion, Vaccines and the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand
Written by Julia du FresneThe destruction of unborn proceeds unchecked across the Tasman, following radical legislative change. Juxtapose this to the misplaced faith in vaccines to
protect life. The Catholic Bishops of New Zealand seem to have strange priorities. Our Kiwi correspondent explains.
Academic research describes how professionals self-censor on abortion
Written by Kathy ThompsonThe truth about abortion can be hard to find, especially for those who do not look, and who do not dig. The killing goes on, and those who profit from the killing hide the truth. Dr Debbie Garratt, with help from Kathy Thompson, lifts the lid.
The Slaughter of the South Australian Innocents
Written by Fr John FlemingThe vile South Australian abortion bill has passed the House of Assembly. Its smooth passage was inadvertently aided by some slipshod, though well-meaning, opposition to the legislation. In ceding ground to the radicals, right-to-life proponents just make the passage of this kind of legislation all too easy.
The right to life is never far away from the heart of American politics. The recent US election was no different. The reason that Democrats experience total meltdown over all things Trump, especially in relation to nominations to the Supreme Court, mostly comes back to the core feminist demand for the right to abortion.
The MSM's abortion narrative continues apace. In Western Australia, the lies continue to be inflicted on the public. Innocent lives continue to be lost.
Johnson & Johnson using aborted babies for COVID-19 vaccine
Written by Debi VinnedgeOn March 25th, Children of God for Life exposed Moderna’s use of the aborted fetal cell line HEK 293 and the morally produced version by Sanofi Pasteur. This time it’s Janssen Pharmaceutical, owned by Johnson and Johnson, that is using their PER C6 Ad5 technology, derived from an aborted baby’s retinal tissue.
Moderna's Covid-19 Vaccine Uses Aborted Fetal Cells
Written by Debi VinnedgeIn light of the Covid-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical companies are racing to provide a vaccine to prevent further spread of the disease. Unfortunately, Moderna, the company that has been recently touted in news headlines for its developing mRNA-1273 vaccine to fight the virus, uses aborted fetal cell cells.
World's worst abortion law is smuggled in under Covid-19 cover
Written by Julia du FresneWe wake on the Solemnity of St Joseph, patron saint of families, to the news that New Zealand is now a world leader in baby-killing.
Two-Thirds of NZ MPs say babies may be left to die
Written by Julia du FresneShame is the name New Zealand wears this day, after last night refusing any legal right to medical care of our nation's smallest citizens; of babies born alive, in terrible pain, after botched abortions.
What does God really think about contraception? How different would our pro-life efforts be if Christians stopped contracepting? Can we selfish human beings be trusted to decide how many children God wants us to have?
MPs: please prove Kiwis are not all 'smiling zombies'
Written by Julia du FresneThe Second Reading of the infamous Abortion Legislation Bill will likely happen this Wednesday night. If your Member of Parliament voted for it at the First Reading, you must ask him/her to oppose it now.
The abortion lobby's bubble hasn't burst - yet
Written by Kathy ClubbAfter three and a half years, my legal challenge to defeat Victoria's abortion 'bubble-zones' is over. We may have failed to change the law, but we did our best; something those who failed to protect the babies & legislated for abortion will never be able to say.
A UN committee known for aggressively promoting abortion rights is lobbying the General Assembly to establish a UN system-wide mechanism that would expand its power and influence.
Not all arguments against abortion are based on Christian teaching; as an atheist, Cultureshift gives a non-religious objection to abortion.
Unprecedented prolife activities in the US:
Three things happened this week that have never happened before in the US. One, the Trump Administration issued an official prolife proclamation. Two, Trump attended the annual March for Life – the first time ever that a sitting President did such a thing. Three, he gave a stirring prolife speech at the march.
Michelle Williams speech at the 2020 Golden Globe awards has sparked much debate among abortion advocates and prolife communities, the former applauding her courage and decision making, and the latter vilifying and condemning her. This condemnation and hostility is disappointing given the compassion and support toward women that could be extended, and is professed to be extended by prolife groups.
Mothers and fathers have long avoided discussions about sex when their curious kids ask awkward questions about where their little brothers and sisters came from. For hundreds of years, parents have explained the arrival of the newest additions to their family by sharing the myth of the noble stork.
The Guadalupe Encounter as a type for ending abortion
Written by Kathy ClubbThere are many parallels between the story of Our Lady’s appearance at Guadalupe and the work of those committed to ending abortion. From the rescuing of innocents from the fate of human sacrifice to a lesson on the mysterious actions of God working among us, Guadalupe never ceases to be a source of inspiration and comfort to pro-life Catholics.
Baby grasps the hand of surgeon during caesarian section
Written by CultureshiftThe humanity of this preborn child is obvious when we can witness video taken during a caesarian section.
US funds still being used to promote abortion abroad
Written by C-FAMWhile domestic funding for family planning faces strict requirements separating it from abortion activities, and while under the PLGHA policy, foreign organizations promoting or providing abortions are ineligible for U.S. funding, U.S.-based groups working abroad are comparatively unregulated. Moreover, some U.S.-based organizations form partnerships with foreign-based groups in order to skirt around PLGHA in practice.
Domestic violence is rightly denounced as a tragic crime against human freedom. Yet, there is little outcry when an adult uses force against a feeble child, all in the name of choice.
The anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is terribly inconvenient to the abortion industry
Written by Dave PelloweEleanor Roosevelt called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), “humanity’s Magna Carta”. On 10 December 2019, it will be 71 years since the freshly formed and then still noble United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the document, with only a few (mostly socialist) regimes abstaining.
Rita Panahi - you can't have it both ways – deliberately killing babies is always wrong
Written by Dave PelloweOne of the best & brightest conservative commentators, Rita Panahi, said something unusually absurd on Twitter – and that’s saying something. Worse, leftist abortion-without-limits apologist Leah Torres called her on it, and she has a point.
The 'greatest photograph of the century' was of an aborted child
Written by Kathy Clubb"Foetus 18 Weeks" was an iconic photograph taken by Lennart Nilsson in the 1960's. What is less-well-known is that the tiny subject had been aborted.